
The Dividend Millionaire book is new, but is it worth reading? Here’s our review and more details on this dividend book. Here at the Best Investment Books, we review lots of books. We can help you decide which ones are worth picking up.

The Dividend Millionaire Book Review

Here’s the full title, along with the book on Amazon. You can click on it for more details. And feel free to continue on to our book review below. You’ll also find more books on investing in dividends.

Title: The Dividend Millionaire: The Proven Path from Zero to $100,000 in Passive Income

Author: Fabio Marciano

the dividend millionaire book review by Fabio Marciano

There are lots of great investing books out there. Although, many are old, and some are hard to read. They’re filled with financial jargon. With this new dividend book, it’s an easy read and recent to hitting the virtual bookshelves. It’s packed with useful insight for current markets and income investing.

The Dividend Millionaire Chapters and Topics

After a short introduction, there are six main sections. Let’s look at each one and what you can learn. Up first…

1. The Why: Financial Freedom

Reaching financial freedom is becoming a more common goal. However, few people know how to go about it. These pages provide lots of insight into more effective approaches.

In this section of The Dividend Millionaire, you’ll learn about the four purposes of income. You’ll find useful examples and also a focus on cash flow. That’s more important than net worth. On top of that, dividend investing returns compared to the S&P 500. This overall investment growth can help you decide how much you need to retire.

2. The What: The Basics and Beyond

This section is perfect for beginners. For experienced investors, it’s a good review as well. Returning to the basics can help reinforce financial concepts. On top of that, it can help connect more dots to build a better portfolio.

You’ll find an overview of what to look for when analyzing investments. It can be overwhelming. However, this helps guide you through the mazes of information.

3. (A) The Where: What Accounts Should You Use?

Even if you’ve been investing for a while, this section can be worth reading. There are lots of different financial accounts and tools available today. There have been many changes over the past few years.

3. (B) The Where: Where do I Find the Money to Invest?

The world’s best investors gain that status by turning their active income into passive income. You’re limited by the number of hours you can work in a day. This is necessary to build up some savings to invest. But building from there, your dividend income can grow to eclipse your active income. At that point, you’ve likely reached financial freedom.

4. The Who: How to Select Great Dividend Stocks

Now we’re getting into the meat of The Dividend Millionaire. With thousands of different investments out there, it can be overwhelming. Many of them provide passive income. And within this pool of public securities, you’ll learn to sort the good from the bad.

You’ll learn about tradeoffs between buying individual dividend stocks and dividend ETFs. On top of this, you’ll uncover a 5-step method for picking dividend stocks that can beat the market. There’s lots more to uncover and risk management is an import topic as well. Managing risk is just as important as potential returns – if not more important.

5. The How: Playing a Better Game – Introducing Dividend Money Balls

This section dives deeper into the metrics that matter the most. You’ll learn how to build and improve a watchlist of companies. The next step is determining which stocks to buy and hold. You can set up a flywheel and automatic approach to building wealth. Although, it’s still useful to keep an eye on performance and monitor your progress.

6. The When: Set for Life – Living the Dividend Millionaire Lifestyle

On an investing journey, a common question comes up. It’s vital for reaching financial freedom… “How long will it take to replace my income?”

By thinking about and projecting your future dividends, you can better plan your future. This is a focus for many people. Although, another important piece is looking at your spending and other financial goals.

Who is the Author Fabio Marciano?

With The Dividend Millionaire book review, it wouldn’t be complete without looking into the author. This isn’t the first book he’s published and that’s a good sign. Here’s a list of his other Books on Amazon.

Fabio Marciano is an investor and financial educator. He’s from New York and now lives in New Jersey. He discovered his passion for investing in high school during a stock-picking contest. Inspired by Peter Lynch’s book One Up on Wall Street, he went to get a finance degree. He also worked at Pepsi while earning his MBA.

Despite his efforts, he faced a big realization at age 25… he had a negative net worth. This prompted him to look into personal finance books. This included classics like Rich Dad Poor Dad. He then began sharing his knowledge on forums, where his cash flow calculator gained popularity. This led him to help others with their financial journeys.

One common theme with Mr. Marciano is focusing beyond dividends. He aims to help people take control of their finances. And one key is building wealth through investing. His path, including early mistakes in dividend investing, helped to shape his approach. This inspired him to write books to guide others away from similar pitfalls.

Best Dividend Investing Books

We hope you found The Dividend Millionaire book review useful. Overall, it’s a good book to learn more about personal finance and investing. It’s a good addition to the other top investing books. Here are more to look into…

For a different approach, fiction books can also give lots of useful lessons. Here are some of the top fiction books about finance. Thanks for stopping by and cheers to learning more about investing.