
You’ll find our full Learn to Earn review below. But first, here’s the top rated book listing on Amazon…

Learn to Earn Book by Peter Lynch

Learn to Earn Review: A Beginner’s Guide to the Basics of Investing and Business

If you’re new to learning about investing, finding the right resources can be a tall task. However, you’ve found Learn to Earn: A Beginner’s Guide to the Basics of Investing and Business. It’s an great place to start and the book is by Peter Lynch and John Rothchild. Here’s a full review of this top investing book. You’ll find its key lessons, useful advice, and why it remains a must-read for aspiring investors.

Who are Peter Lynch and John Rothchild?

Peter Lynch is a legendary investor and author. As the past manager of Fidelity’s Magellan Fund, he achieved a huge average annual return of 29.2%. That was from 1977 to 1990, growing the fund’s assets from $18 million to over $14 billion.

John Rothchild, an expert financial writer, explains tough financial concepts in simple terms. Together, they create a guide that is both informative and accessible to everyone.

Book Overview: Learn to Earn

Published in 1995, Learn to Earn is for anyone who is high school age or older. This makes it a great intro to learn how to invest. The book covers a wide range of topics. You’ll find the basics of capitalism, the history of public companies, and how to understand annual reports. It’s a great guide that lays the foundation for anyone wanting to start investing.

Key Lessons and Strategies

Understanding Capitalism and Business Basics

The book begins with A Short History of Capitalism. This gives readers a core understanding of how businesses and markets work. It explains the differences between capitalism and communism. You’ll find it laid out in a way that’s engaging and easy to grasp. This section sets the stage for the rest of the book. You’ll then dive into the lives of companies and the invisible hands that shape the market.

Lynch and Rothchild use examples to show how capitalism works. They explain how companies form, how they raise capital, and how they grow. This foundation is crucial for understanding the stock market. It can help with making better investment decisions.

Reading Stock Tables and Annual Reports

One of the most practical parts of Learn to Earn is its guidance on how to read stock tables and interpret company reports. These skills are essential for any investor, and Lynch and Rothchild explain them in a clear way.

The book walks readers through the different sections of a stock table, explaining what each column means. It also gives tips on how to use this info for better investing. For example, it explains how to calculate the price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) and why this metric is useful.

When it comes to annual reports, the book breaks down the financial statements into easy-to-digest parts. The appendices are also useful for beginners. By the end of this section, readers will be able to gain more insight from financial statements.

Investing Mindset and Strategies

The authors highlight the value of thinking like an investor. They explain that opportunities are everywhere. You can even find them in everyday products and companies that people are familiar with. For example Nike, McDonald’s, and Coca-Cola.

This approach helps investors to see the potential in companies they know. Lynch and Rothchild also stress the value of doing your own research. They encourage readers to visit stores, talk to customers, and observe market trends. This hands-on approach helps with making more informed decisions.

Avoiding Complex Investments

Lynch and Rothchild advocate for simplicity in investing. By reading this investing book, you’ll learn to focus on stocks. That’s rather than more complex investment tools. This approach helps to avoid certain risks and can help with managing portfolios.

The book also warns against getting caught up in trendy investments or following hot tips. Instead, you should focus on solid companies with strong financials and a proven track record.

Practical Advice for Beginners

Early Investment and Compounding

The book also highlights the value of starting to invest early. Lynch and Rothchild use the analogy that “money is a great friend once you send it off to work.” Investments can generate passive income for you. By investing early, you can benefit from the power of compounding. This can grow your wealth faster over time.

For example, let’s say you start investing $100 per month at the age of 20. You also earn an average annual return of 7%. Then by the time you’re 60, you’ll have invested $48,000 but could have over $200,000 due to compounding. This shows the power of early investing.

Focus on What You Understand

A key takeaway from “Learn to Earn” is investing in what you understand. This helps with making better decisions and avoiding investments that are too complex or risky. By focusing on familiar companies, you can better assess the potential for growth.

For instance, if you love using Apple products, you might consider investing in Apple stock. You already understand the company’s products and market position. This can give you an edge in making investments.


Learn to Earn advises focusing on what you understand. However, it also highlights diversification. Diversifying your portfolio means spreading your investments out. This can be across different types of assets and industries to reduce risk.

Lynch and Rothchild explain how diversification works and why it’s crucial for long-term success. They give examples of how diversifying can help lower losses during market downturns. It can also help improve gains during upswings.

Reader Feedback and Real-World Applications

Readers have praised Learn to Earn for its simplicity and clarity. Despite being written in 1995, the core principles in the book remain relevant today. Readers have found the book’s explanations of balance sheets, stock tables, and investment strategies to be useful in sorting through stock market noise. Many readers have applied the strategies from the book to their own investment portfolios. It’s helped lead to many positive results.

Real Examples

The book is filled with real examples that make the concepts more relatable. For instance, Lynch and Rothchild use the example of Dunkin’ Donuts. They show how a company can grow from a small business to a global brand. They explain how Dunkin’ Donuts went public, how it expanded, and how investors could have benefited from its growth.

These examples help readers see the practical application of the concepts in the book. They make investing seem less abstract and more accessible. This is extra helpful for beginners.

Why Learn to Earn Remains Relevant

Despite being written a few decades ago, Learn to Earn is relevant today. The principles of investing are timeless and apply just as well in today’s market.

The book focuses on understanding company fundamentals, avoiding complex investments, and starting early. These are universal truths that go beyond market conditions. These principles have helped countless investors to build successful portfolios.

Final Review

Learn to Earn is one of the best guides to start an investment journey. The book hands readers a foundation in the basics of investing, capitalism, and business. This makes it an excellent resource for beginners.

With its clear explanations, practical advice, and examples, Learn to Earn is a must-read. Whether you are a high school student or older, this book offers lots of useful insights. You’ll find strategies that can help you make better investments.

If you haven’t already, click on the book above for more details. And for more top investing books, check these out…